Fat Dissolving

What Are Fat Dissolving Injections?

Fat dissolving injections are a treatment that reduces stubborn fat cells that cannot be eliminated through dieting and exercise. The injections are made from deoxycholic acid (DC) and when injected it dissolves the membranes of fat cells in the treated area. The fatty acids contained within the cell are then eliminated safely by macrophages and the liver. It is a safe and effective fat-dissolving treatment that is akin to liposuction, albeit non-invasive.

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Fat-dissolving injections | A person getting a fat-dissolving product injected into their abdomen area.

What Areas Can Fat Dissolving Injections Treat?

Fat dissolving injections can be used on most areas of the body, with the most popular being the chin, upper arms, waist, hips, and inner thighs. Although it can effectively get rid of the annoying fat in these areas, fat dissolving injections are not intended for weight loss, but rather for those with localised fat tissue which is not responding to a healthy diet or increased physical exercise.

Fat-dissolving injections | A person having a fat-dissolving product injected into their underarm area.

What Are the Benefits of Fat Dissolving Injections?

Fat dissolving injections can offer a range of advantages, especially when compared to liposuction. It is fast and effective with most people needing between 2 and 4 treatments to see the best possible results. It is non-surgical so there are none of the risks and downtime that are associated with conventional liposuction. Fat is eliminated from the body over a 4-week period with full results staring around the 6-week mark. Fat dissolving injections can also provide mental benefits by increasing your confidence in how you look.

Fat-dissolving injections | A person having a fat-dissolving product injected into their hip area.

What Are the Side Effects of Fat Dissolving Injections?

Fat dissolving injections are safe but following treatment, you will experience swelling and redness in the area where the fat has been dissolved for a few weeks. This starts to settle after a few days and is normally gone in 3-4 weeks. You may have some discomfort, but this is not usually severe. A little bruising is expected. You should not exercise for 5 days and some patients find mild compression clothing helps for non-facial treatment areas. A low-fat diet can help to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. The treatment is not offered to people who have lipodystrophy (a fat processing disorder), are prone to skin diseases, infections, or who are pregnant/breastfeeding.

Fat Dissolving Overview


15 minutes

Session Price

From £375



Lasting Effects



2-5 treatments

Side Effects

Swelling, Mild Pain


Are fat dissolving injections permanent?

One of the biggest advantages of fat dissolving injections is that the results are permanent! Once a fat cell has been destroyed, it has been permanently removed from your body. And this cannot be undone. However, one important thing to note is that if there are other fat cells in the area, that have not been targeted by the injection, these can actually become larger, if you were to gain weight or miss out on a healthy diet and exercise combination.

Are fat dissolving injections safe?

Fat dissolving injections are a safe and effective fat dissolving procedure. No major untreatable side effects have occurred in over 2 million treatments worldwide so far and not one single incidence of overdose or toxic effects has been recorded.

How many treatments will I need?

How many treatments you’ll get depends on the amount of fat you have in the affected area. For instance, the chin area may require 2-3 treatments. Meanwhile, the thighs may need 4-5 treatments since the area is larger.

Is the treatment painful?

Patients may experience some pain following the treatment, especially when treating their bodies. Face treatments tend to be less painful. Body treatments, on the other hand, will bring some pain after the procedure, so the patient will need to rest for several days.

What side effects should I expect?

Side effects of fat dissolving injections are rare. You may experience swelling, bruising, itching, pain, sensitivity to pressure and excessive warmth at the injection site however, this is usually resolved within three to five days

How long will I recover after the face treatment?

Discomfort and swelling are not uncommon if you got the injections for your face. The side effects may last from 2-4 days, although some bruising may still be there under the skin when the swelling goes away.

